Gypsy Heart sparkle shirt & to the max! jean jacket: gifts from cousins Kathy/Danielle. Purple cloche hat: Target. HUE jeggings: DB Shoes. Blue suede Aerosole shoes. Hand knit fingerless gloves lovingly made for me by friend Linda C.

At 72 I am blessed to feel like a teenager and occasionally like an 8 yr. old. My first priority is self-care: of physical body, spiritual journey, emotional and financial well being. My next priorities are family, friends and community. I eat and drink healthy, exercise/play often, love my family, dog and many friends. I help when/wherever I can, share my burdens and abundance; am dedicated to spiritual practices, loving abundantly and count my many blessings throughout the day.
You have some wonderful cousins and friends. The gloves are so pretty and look just warm enough. Love purple!